You will also have access to specialty compound medications. Vets First Choice is a PCAB certified pharmacy and has partnerships with other high quality compounding pharmacies, including Veterinary Pharmacies of America and Foundation Care, to give you access to the most innovative compounded products available on the market. Choose from widest range of dose forms and strengths of non-commercially available products.
By clicking the "Shop Now/Pharmacy image" button at the top of the left column, you can begin navigating our online pharmacy. Each month we will provide to you coupons offering discounts directly from the manufacturers. Just click the coupon to get your discount code.
Auto shipping is also available, which offers further discounts as well.
We are pleased to offer this new service to you, and hope that you find it helpful in providing for your pets. If you need any help with the website, customer service is available and clearly marked for your support.
Please stop by our clinic for your welcome coupon, which will save you $5.00 on your order at checkout.
Enjoy our new online pharmacy!
Thank you,
Premier Mobile Veterinary Service
Dr. Craig Kryger